and get in the driver’s seat

of your life!

Download my free supportive guide to help make an informed choice towards your personal healing, growth and evolution.

Hey, I’m Karina. Welcome. It’s great to connect with you.

I specialise in supporting women to discover their authentic self, get into the driver’s seat of their lives and create deeper, more meaningful relationships with those they love.

It’s never easy when you finally get honest with yourself and admit that your life and relationships aren’t as functional and fulfilling as you’d like.

Like many of us, you’ve probably tried lots of different things hoping you’ll find the answers. I’m sure along your journey you’ve found some great resources that have helped in the short-term but often they’re only a Band-aid solution.

What you’re really after, is positive sustainable solutions and a highly dependable, deep level of support to get you the results you deserve.

Becoming loving leaders of yourself and your family is an inside job that needs the kind of support that’s deep, healing, nourishing and sustainable.

I work closely with women who can no longer ignore their feelings of discontent. They have a burning desire to explore the deeper parts of themselves, knowing this is the key to accessing their authenticity, truth and joy. They understand that doing this type of work is the key to the deep sustainable change they’re looking for. They desperately want to reclaim their sense of vitality, lighten their load, release the built-up resentment and relinquish those ever-present feelings of discontent without the fear and guilt of abandoning their important role as a wife and Mother.

Rather than feeling unseen and simply existing to meet everyone else’s needs, they want to unapologetically live their truth, feel deeply connected to themselves, their partner and their kids.

Allow me to support you as you heal old hurts, update those outdated programs that keep you shackled to your past, cut yourself free from the weight of unnecessary obligations, create room in your life for pleasure and enjoy a deeply connected relationship with yourself and those you love.

Life is always delivering us clues that highlight our way forward. Our job is to know and trust that guidance and keep moving forward as the pathway emerges.

Karina Meacham

Feeling lost?

Questioning everything?

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed?

Ready to trade discontent for meaning and joy?


From the moment that I first connected with Karina and all the way until after our last session together, I knew that Karina was truly committed to assisting me in my personal growth journey.Karina has a wonderful caring nature about her and this helped me to feel comfortable in opening up and sharing my thoughts and feelings on even the most painful memories of my past. With each of our sessions I received her full attention and didn’t feel at all rushed, which I truly valued.Karina has assisted me in gaining clarity in many areas of my personal issues as well as helped me with boundaries and communication skills with my family. It’s like the weight that had been draining my energy for many years has been lifted. I have so much gratitude for Karina and feel that she is one of life’s blessings.

Jules Lowe

Mother of 2, Sydney, Australia

I have had the pleasure of working with the Karina Meacham in a one on one coaching capacity as well as attending one of her P.E.T courses. Both mediums have provided me with a tool box of really practical and effective ways to manage the demands and challenges of family life, especially with young children.

She has also helped me understand that I am in the driver’s seat of my own life and that has proven to be an incredibly empowering journey. The relationship that I have with myself, my husband and my children have all blossomed and become more focused and enriched because of the awareness that I have gained from Karina’s coaching sessions.

She uses a no-nonsense approach to identify the challenge, strip it right back to the root cause and help heal and clear the negative programming. I cannot recommend her services highly enough. They have been deeply transformational for me and my family. Her coaching style has been the vehicle for me to be able to strive to live my best life.

Sarah Scott-Walker

Mother of 2, Melbourne, Australia

I’d like to say a huge Thankyou to Karina Meacham for her amazing coaching sessions.
Karina is a caring & compassionate coach who offers plenty of value in her sessions and holds you accountable for your results. With a true gift of listening, Karina’s ability to guide & support you throughout each coaching session is professional and transformational. Karina helps you gain clarity and assist you in accessing, adjusting and upgrading negative core beliefs and old patterns to achieve the outcomes you want for yourself. Karina offers a judgement free and confidential service and makes you feel comfortable and confident in achieving your desires. I’m much more positive, have better structure in my life and feel so much more empowered. Karina, I’m very grateful for your time, energy and support.

With gratitude,

Kristie Can

Mother of 2, Sydney, Australia

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